Music Buddy

Kelly Crowe - An Old Piano and a Pickup Truck

Kelly Crowe Season 2 Episode 30

Why are there so many pianos being given away, or—worse—sent to the dump?

One day, while searching for vintage finds online, journalist, podcaster, and multi-media artist Kelly Crowe discovered that there are hundreds of unwanted pianos out there, many of which end up in landfills, keeping company with old carpets and mattresses and all the other discarded items of human consumption.  Kelly's discoveries about the complex fate of the unwanted piano is now the subject of the first episode in her new audio documentary, entitled The Possession Project.

Kelly is fascinated by all manner of things: science, health, music, technology, visual art, politics, and—most importantly—STUFF! Her natural curiosity and journalistic skill has led her down some fascinating paths. In this conversation, she talks about The Possession Project, and how her love of stuff started her on a journey exploring the many worlds of treasured personal possessions.

Music samples in this episode:
"Adieu to the Piano" - performed by Victor Gowan (2000)
"The Reasons" -  The Weakerthans  (Reconstruction Site, 2003)
"American Pie" - Don McLean (American Pie, 1971)
"Adios" - Benjamin Clementine (At Least for Now, 2015)
"Carey" - Joni Mitchell (Blue, 1971)
"Aria", from The Goldberg Variations, by J.S. Bach - performed by Glenn Gould (1955)
"I Want To Sing That Rock And Roll" - Gillian Welch (Time The Revelator, 2001)
"The Piano Has Been Drinking (Not Me)" - Tom Waits  (Small Change, 1976)
"Write To Me (The Music Buddy Sessions, Season 1)" - Steve Wright (Single, 2022)
"With A Little Help From My Friends" - Joe Cocker (Live at Woodstock, 1969)
"Improvisation" - Kelly Crowe (at home on her piano)

The Possession Project
Shane Lyon (Shane Man TV)
Paul Hahn Pianos
Radio Paradise

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Jane Gowan (host, producer, editor) ; Tim Vesely (co-producer)

The show's theme song, "Human Stuff," is written by Jane Gowan and Tim Vesely, and performed by Jane and Tim, with additional vocals by Steve Wright and Connie Kostiuk

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This podcast is brought to you by Morning Run Productions.

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